thirty seven hours left to apply throughout Startup Battlefield at TC Disrupt 2021

Do you and your early-stage load have what it takes to be a modern-day gladiator and compete found in Itc Battlefield with TechCrunch Disrupt 2021 ? A person won’t know unless you place, and time is push out. You have only forty-eight hours left to hold your helmet into the band.

If you want to also compete for glory, global your exposure and $100, 000 with equity-free prize money, apply to New venture Battlefield here before Would 13 at 11: 59 p. m. (PT).

Not familiar with Start-up Battlefield? It has launched 922 companies — including the appreciates of Dropbox, Vurb, Mint and a bunch more — that have collectively raised $9. 5 billion and generated 117 exits.

We can explain what it’s like to contend in Startup Battlefield regarding the benefits and opportunities that can come from it. But Stacey Hronowski — co-founder and CEO of Canix, the winner to do with Startup Battlefield at Disrupt 2020 — describes it best.

“Our experience appearing in Startup Battlefield was splendid. The rigorous training experienced been specific and tailored to ones individual business and eruptions. I was particularly impressed applying the Q& A training. I’ve fundraised numerous times and the health care practice questions were some of the most topical and specific questions I’ve faced. I feel extremely well thought about for future fundraises.

“Post Startup Battlefield, we received significant squeeze coverage and reach outs from notable investors. Encounter was one of the most special akin to my life; I never figured I’d get the chance to tell the story of Canix with the investors and media all over the world. ”

On top of that guess what?! It won’t forfeit a thing to apply or to remain competitive. You can be from anywhere in the world as well as in any industry — however you need should have an MVP. Are you thinking of detail-oriented? Read more about how Startup Battleground works .

We’re tapping top VC talent to judge the Battlefield. Here are just a few of the experts youll need to impress:

TechCrunch Disturb 2021 takes place on September 22-23, and just incase you want a shot at widespread exposure and $100, 000, you need to apply to Startup Battlefield before the deadline runs out — in just 48 hours and hours — on May 13 at 14: 59 p. m. (PT). Go, gladiators, go!

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