Are You Ready for ‘Extreme’ Water Recycling?
San Francisco is at the forefront of a movement to recycle wastewater from buildings, homes, and neighborhoods and use it for toilets and landscaping. ..
San Francisco is at the forefront of a movement to recycle wastewater from buildings, homes, and neighborhoods and use it for toilets and landscaping. ..
Scientists are uncovering previously unknown species preserved in museum and botanical garden collections, only to find that they no longer exist in the wild. ..
Melting Antarctic ice is disrupting the movement of deep seawater, which could further destabilize weather patterns around the world. ..
Canadian wildfires are spewing smoke into New York City and Washington, DC, threatening the health of millions. Welcome to the “Pyrocene.” ..
Scientists are worried about the effect this change could have on orbiting satellites, the ozone layer, and Earth’s weather. ..
The number of ocean going birds has declined 70 percent since the 1950s, but restoring their populations can bolster marine ecosystems that sequester carbon. ..
Researchers in Kotzebue, Alaska, are investigating why their town is increasingly playing host to harmful cyanobacteria. ..
Wildfires and human meddling are transforming the Arctic and its surroundings from a carbon sink into a carbon emitter, exacerbating the climate crisis. ..
Increasingly severe heat waves will imperil the country’s development goals, slow economic growth, and heighten health risks, new research shows. ..
A muddy trek reveals the last remnants of the Rwenzori Mountains’ once-sprawling ice fields, a loss for scientists studying the climate record. ..