Three-Way Entanglement Results Hint at Better Quantum Codes
A team of physicists has entangled three photons over a considerable distance, which could lead to more powerful quantum cryptography. ..
A team of physicists has entangled three photons over a considerable distance, which could lead to more powerful quantum cryptography. ..
Recent explorations of unique geometric worlds reveal perplexing patterns, including the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio. ..
When the brain encodes memories as positive or negative, a small peptide called neurotensin determines which way they will go. ..
Supermassive black holes are engines of galactic evolution, but new observations of our galaxy and its central hole don’t quite match expectations. ..
Neural networks can use self-supervised learning to figure out what matters. This process might be what helps humans do the same. ..
Physicists have solved a key problem of robotic locomotion by revising the usual rules of interaction between simple component parts. ..
A statistical analysis of chemical tags on DNA may help unify disparate theories of aging. ..
The grainy image of a “super Jupiter” is a sign of what’s to come as the telescope’s observations ramp up. ..
By studying how electric organs arose in different lineages of fish, scientists gain new insights into a long-standing question of evolutionary biology. ..
The key to understanding the origin and fate of the universe may be a more complete understanding of the vacuum. ..