Executes SoftBank have 20 more DoorDashes?

Hello and welcome return to  Equity , TechCrunch’s venture capital-focused podcast, a great deal of we unpack the numbers at the rear of the headlines.

Natasha   and  Danny   and  Alex   and  Grace were all below to chat through the week’s strongest tech happenings. This week felt strangely comforting from a tech news intelligence: Facebook is copying something, early-stage startup data is flawed enough things to talk about and sweet DoorDash is considered buying robots for undisclosed sumirize.

So , here’s an important rundown of the tech news we have into (as always, jokes aren’t previewed so you’ll have to listen to using the show to get our critique as Award Winning Analysis*):

In good news, long-time Equity source Chris Gates is back starting in a few days, which means we’ll have our strongest crew ever helping get the screen put together. And, in other good news, there are going to be more Equity than ever commence hear. Coming soon.

Equity drops every Monday support 7: 00 a. m. PST and Thursday afternoon as fast as we can make it out, so subscribe to us on  Apple Podcasts ,   Overcast ,   Spotify   and all ones casts.

*OK, so not award-winning yet. Nevertheless soon enough, because manifestation works.

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