Cybersecurity startup Panaseer raises $26. 5M Series B contributed by AllegisCyber Capital

Panaseer , which takes a data science approach to cybersecurity, has raised $26.5 million in a Series B funding led by < a href=""> AllegisCyber Capital . Found investors, including Evolution Fairness Partners, Notion Capital, AlbionVC, Cisco Investments and Paladin Capital Group, as well as modern investor National Grid Team, also participated. Panaseer has now raised $43 million up to.

Panaseer’s valuable sauce and sales pitch bring in what it calls “Continuous Regulates Monitoring” (CCM). In plainer English that means correlating much data from all available to buy security tools to check resources, control gaps, you name it.

As a result, the company tells me it can identify zero-day new year, christmas exposures faster, or contact with, say, FireEye or SolarWinds vulnerabilities.

Jonathan Gill, BOSS, Panaseer said: “Most corporation have the tools and capability to theoretically prevent a sin from occurring. However , among the list of key reasons that breaches occur is that there is no research to monitor and react to was unsuccessful controls. CCM continuously validates and measures levels of protection systems and provides notifications of suprises. Ultimately, CCM enables these particular failures to be fixed until they become security incidents. ”

Speaking to a total of on a call he went ahead and added: “The investment, allows us to enormity our organization to meet those prerequisites of customers with a team individuals to implement the platform that will help them get tremendous treasure and to evolve the product. To increase more and more capability to that knowledge to support more and more use cases. So they’re the two large directions, and there’s a market we think of tens of thousands of firms of a certain size, who are licensed or they have assets wise protecting and a level of difficulty that makes it difficult to solve past themselves. And our Instructive Board and the customers I have personally spoken with think it’s possible that there are barely 20 services in the world who can solve this trouble. And everybody else gets up to your neck on the fact that it’s a all challenging data science problem to fix. So we want to scale that and take that to very much more organizations. ”

And pick did they pick all those investors: “I think today we picked them and they picked out us, we’ve been in relation to that journey together. You need to months to find the best combination. The dollars are all the same songs investors, but I think possible help improve as an organization as grow just like the existing of several do. They give us view and reach into areas the market and help make a lot of people better as organizations along with. ”

Robert Ackerman, founder and management director of AllegisCyber Budget, and co-founder of DataTribe said: “The emergence associated with Continuous Controls Monitoring to be the new cybersecurity category proves a ‘coming of age’ for cybersecurity. Cyber could possibly be existential threat to the offshore digital economy. All amount enterprise, from the CISO, with Chief Risk Officer, within the Board of Directors will be demanding comprehensive visibility, transparency and hard metrics to evaluate cyber situational awareness. ”

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