Better Data on Ivermectin Is Finally on Its Way
Studies have been small and often not great. The best info so far says don’t use it, get vaccinated, and hang in there for the more promising meds being ..
Studies have been small and often not great. The best info so far says don’t use it, get vaccinated, and hang in there for the more promising meds being ..
Mathematician Ian Stewart explains the twisty history of combinatorial optimization. ..
Bringing order and understanding to unstructured information located across disparate silos has been one of more significant breakthroughs of the big data ..
A new study shows how the Vietnam War–era initiative shaped a generation of star physician-researchers—and offers lessons that can be applied today. ..
DNA double-strand breaks are associated with cancer and aging. A new study shows neurons can use them to quickly express genes related to learning and memory. ..
From glasswing butterflies to vanishing octopuses, evolution sometimes paints with colors that aren’t there. ..
Catch up on the most important updates from this week. ..
The late evolutionary biologist made a reputation—and enemies—by speaking out against the idea that genes are destiny. Science still needs people like ..
Deadly flooding in and around New York City dramatizes the risks to infrastructure that wasn’t built to handle warmer, wetter climate. ..
After a first attempt brought up an empty tube, the rover finally cored a sample. ..