How Heat Waves Are Messing Up Your Sleep
Higher nighttime temperatures don’t just make it harder to drift off, they can disrupt your sleep cycles and leave you with low-quality rest. ..
Higher nighttime temperatures don’t just make it harder to drift off, they can disrupt your sleep cycles and leave you with low-quality rest. ..
Remote sensing systems can struggle to spot high waters, especially in stormy weather or at night. Synthetic aperture radar offers a shot in the dark. ..
Climate change and natural variability are making this a year of big weather events—so get ready for more heat waves, droughts, and hurricanes. ..
Hurricanes, heat, fires, smoke, drought. Is it time to stop making the hottest part of the year seem cool? ..
Glaciers offer unparalleled insight into the world’s climate. But as they melt, the data they offer is less useful—and more dangerous to collect. ..
The Sarsat satellite system is a kind of celestial lifeguard for explorers, boaters, and aviators who might be in need of search and rescue. ..
Photons wander through snow like ants through a nest. That inspired a clever new NASA technique for measuring the fluffy stuff from orbit. ..
New research shows that dry weather is coming on more quickly than before, with little advance warning. It could devastate farmers. ..
The “urban heat island effect” creates extra-hot temperatures that kill. But cities can prescribe powerful treatments, like green spaces and reflective ..
A small but growing number of Americans are moving to New England or the Appalachian Mountains, which are seen as safe havens from climate change. ..