The Dark Asteroid Ryugu Finally Comes Into the Light
Using cameras aboard the Hayabusa2 spacecraft, Japanese scientists get a rare, close-up glimpse of a space rock’s structure. ..
Using cameras aboard the Hayabusa2 spacecraft, Japanese scientists get a rare, close-up glimpse of a space rock’s structure. ..
After a first attempt brought up an empty tube, the rover finally cored a sample. ..
A research chemist mixed nitrogen, methane, and other molecules to re-create the conditions that might harbor life on one of Saturn’s moons. ..
NASA is trying out sonic waves, electrostatic devices, and extra-slick coatings as ways to repel pesky space dirt. ..
The spacecraft will provide the first up-close look at these building blocks of the early solar system. ..
Far from a failure, the sampling might actually offer tantalizing clues about the geology—and potential past life—of the Red Planet. ..
Researchers recently tested whether a balloon-borne sensor could listen for venusquakes to learn about the planet's makeup. ..
Nauka’s errant firings were likely the result of human error—and they raise concerns about the future of the country’s space program and its partnership ..
Sea level rise will soon combine with a host of other environmental factors to produce dozens of floods each fall in US coastal cities. ..
An extraordinary drought in the West, plus dry lakes and reservoirs, mean there will be less water for farms, hydroelectric energy, and home users. ..