This Human-Sized Origami Reimagines Emergency Shelters
When flat, the structure is about the size of a twin mattress. But when it's inflated, walls widen, and a roof snaps into place. ..
When flat, the structure is about the size of a twin mattress. But when it's inflated, walls widen, and a roof snaps into place. ..
Fifty years ago, three mathematicians came up with a graph theory problem that they thought they might solve on the spot. A team has finally settled it. ..
Long-awaited news from Fermilab’s Muon g-2 team may resolve a tantalizing conflict between nature and theory. But a separate calculation clouds the picture. ..
In Justice League he runs so fast that he goes back in time. But it wouldn't be quite so easy in real life (unless he was a tachyon). ..
Antimatter, the mysterious mirror-stuff of the universe, is hard to make and harder to study. A laser that literally chills it out could change all that. ..
Spurred on by experiments that scramble the ordering of causes and their effects, some physicists are figuring out how to abandon causality altogether. ..
A new map of the chromosphere’s magnetic field could help us predict solar weather patterns—and anticipate flares that wreak havoc on the power grid. ..
By sensing the subtle changes in the finger’s own magnetic field, this new technology could one day make for ua-sensitive prosthetic hands. ..
A new thought experiment indicates that quantum mechanics doesn’t work without strange numbers that turn negative when squared. ..